
Jim Woods


There is a famous saying that has been floating around the internet regarding the “Five Ps of Survival”: Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. That is, if you study the ways in which whatever you are planning will go wrong and take steps to prevent them, the chances of something bad happening will be greatly reduced. […]


Today is May 1, a day that’s also known as “May Day” in many countries around the world. Think of May Day as a sort of Marxist version of the same holiday we celebrate in the United States called Labor Day. Now, when I say a “sort of Marxist version,” I am not being at […]


It’s not often that you hear the brilliant Austrian school economist Ludwig von Mises referenced in the public sphere. And it is particularly unusual to hear him referenced in the aftermath of two men engaged in brutal mixed martial arts (MMA) combat. But that’s exactly what happened on April 14, when Brazilian fighter Renato Moicano, […]

[instant messaging via tablets and phones]

While Charles Dickens’s famous statement, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” does not quite describe where we currently stand, we are rapidly approaching one of the best times of the year for communication — we are nearing the time for an annual event by my good friend and Fast […]


The expression “strike while the iron’s hot” is not a new idiom. In fact, it dates back to the 15th century, where it originated from blacksmiths who could only work with their iron while it was, well, hot. And much like a good chunk of iron, the market is burning hot enough for us to […]


A lot of people these days like to use the term “real” to describe something or someone they admire. We say reverently that he or she is the “real deal,” or this team is “for real,” or this macho specimen is a “real man” or that this restaurant serves up “real Chinese cuisine,” etc. Hey, […]